RAPIDO is a new holistic approach that enables communities to recover from disasters within months instead of years. Through understanding and redesigning the entire U.S. disaster recovery housing process with the people that are impacted the most, RAPIDO fosters resilience within Texas communities.


It’s important to prepare for a disaster. Getting your things in order before a disaster hits can help you recover faster, reduce stress, and improve recovery outcomes. Thanks to the support of the American Red Cross, we have put together the following Disaster Preparedness guides to help you get ready for a disaster. The guides linked below are perfect for viewing digitally on your phone or computer. If you would like to request printable files for distribution, send us an email.


Documents You’ll Need after a Disaster
Navigating Disasters in Texas


Documentos que necesitará después de un desastre
Cómo hacer frente a desastres en Texas

باللغة العربية

المستندات التي ستحتاجها بعد وقوع كارثة
التنقل في الكوارث في تكساس



Trong tiếng việt

Tài liệu bạn sẽ cần sau thảm họa
Điều hướng thảm họa ở Texas


This Hurricane Harvey recovery project was made possible in part by a grant from the American Red Cross.

Este proyecto de recuperación del huracán Harvey fue posible en parte gracias a una subvención de la Cruz Roja Americana.

أصبح هذا المشروع لاستعادة الإعصار هارفي ممكنا جزئيا بمنحة من الصليب الأحمر الأمريكي


Dự án phục hồi cơn bão Harvey này đã được thực hiện một phần nhờ một khoản trợ cấp từ Hội Chữ thập đỏ Hoa Kỳ.